Saturday, November 3, 2012

Free Form Writing - Winter's Kept You...

Winter’s Kept You...
 Song – Kristy Are You Doing Okay? – The Offspring. 

She stared blankly at her hands, her breath visible in the freezing air. Soft, white petals of snow gracefully landed in her palms, vanishing at the touch. Her cheeks were wet with tears, but she barely noticed, she was miles away inside her mind.....

There's a moment in time
And it's stuck in my mind
Way back, when we were just kids....

She was 16 again, smiling and waving at her friends in the locker room. She was running late, too much wasted time in the gym today.  The girls hustled along, promising to tell the teacher she was coming soon. She laughed and waved goodbye, turning her attention back to her locker. She pulled out her dress from earlier, a flowing white dress with a pink bow. She pulled out her textbooks, placing them on the floor at her feet while she prepared to change. She removed her shirt and short, shoving them into her locker, quickly pulling her dress down over her head. A door open and closed in the background. She smoothed her dress down, turning to see who had forgotten something in their locker. Jack stood before her, alone and dressed still in his gym clothes. She stared at him confused, this was the girl’s locker room, didn’t he remember? She lifted her eyes to his, preparing to correct him. Something in his eyes made her stop. Jack stared on, a sly smile sliding into place.....

Cause your eyes told the tale
Of an act of betrayal
I knew that somebody did....

He stepped forward, breaking the moment. She opened her mouth to speak and he was there, suddenly much to close. He placed a hand on either side of her, closing her locker in the process, the metal slam echoing in the empty room. He leaned forward and kisses her, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She gasped in surprise, for a moment giving him even more of an advantage, before jerking her head to the side breaking the contact. She turned to give her back, hoping to block him from trying again. A hand slide into her hair, jerking her head back slightly, her fingers curling into the metal grid beneath her palms. Her tired muscles strained in panic to escape, but she was no match for his strength. She could feel her thin dress, ridding up her back. Weak muffled screams escaped her lips, knowing they would make no difference now. ....


Cold Steel against her cheek.


Hot tears against her hands.


Time suspended in a moment of terror.

Echoes of pain in the distance.

She runs away in her mind, refusing to acknowledge it.

Oh, waves of time
Seem to wash away
The scenes of our crimes
But for you this never ends....

She wasn’t sure when he released her. She wasn’t even sure when he walked away. She timidly returned to the present wincing as she struggled to focus. Everything felt so cold, so numb. She couldn’t seem to think. Where was she? Wasn’t she supposed to be somewhere?

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

With a jolt her mind kicked into gear again. Class, she had to be in class. Clinging to the familiar thought she gently raised herself off the floor. Her weak hands, smooth her dress down, struggling in vain to rid it of the wrinkles he’d made.

Though the marks on your dress
Had been neatly repressed
I knew that something was wrong
And I should have spoke out
And I'm so sorry now
I didn't know
Cause we were so young

She put one foot in front of the other. She picked up her textbooks and fleeing the locker room, flashes of memories ringing in her mind. She bit her lip to distract herself, running to class. No one knew the real reason she ran, they just thought she was late. She stumbled into class, interrupting the teacher. She froze for a moment as startled by her own appearance as well.....

Oh, clouds of time
Seem to rain on
Innocence left behind
And it never goes away

Her eyes scanned the room soaking in the people staring at her. She felt her secret was stamped on her face, obvious to anyone who bothered to look. She told herself that was stupid as she hugged her books tighter to her chest. Her eyes finally landed on Dexter, her friend and crush, though he didn’t know it. His eyes were locked with hers, reading her secrets.

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

For a moment she forgot how to breathe. Then a hand landed on her shoulder making her jump. She almost screamed, until she saw the teacher standing beside her. She was promoting her to take her seat. She nodded and turned away from Dexter, sitting down in her spot. She felt like throwing up, but that would raise to many questions. She squeezed her eyes shut to keep from crying. She needed to focus to not raise suspicion. She reopened her eyes, mindlessly opening her book to the appropriate page.

Oh, clouds of time
Seem to rain on
Innocence left behind
And it never goes away

Everything felt so wrong. She felt lost. What was she supposed to do now?....

It never goes away....

Nothing. She could do nothing. Her throat ached to cry out, but she had no voice for her pain.

Can you stay strong?
Can you go on?
Kristy are you doing okay?
A rose that won't bloom
Winter's kept you
Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away

She kept her secret for 5 years. She was 21 now, sitting on a bench in the snow, without a coat. The cold reminded her of her pain, beautiful and cold, like her. She jumped as a warm coat wrapped itself around her shoulders. She looked up, staring into familiar eyes.

Don't waste your whole life trying
To get back what was taken away.

Dexter smiled sadly down at her, a thumb wiping away her tears. No words needed to be said, the promise was already made. He would make up for those years. He would warm her, and melt her pain. She wasn’t alone in this anymore.

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