Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crystal's Story

New story submission from our R.I.S.E. facebook page:

This one was submitted by a girl named Meg, on behalf of her friend Crystal. This is the story of someone who is still struggling. Here’s her story:

“I was used and used, over and over again, and some nights it was multiple guys, and sometimes women. This was when I was 5-17. I am now 19. 

I’m not sure if I’m okay, but I keep going day by day, and that is what has been getting me by. There are many things that I regret getting into because I am a mess right now. I have been self-harming, drinking, and I even tried committing suicide three times, but I think that there’s a reason I failed at all three times. Even though with the last one I scared myself and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, I think there’s a reason that god has me here.

I know that it has only been two years since I have been free, but for me, two years is much more than what you would think, because all the years that people would trade me for money or for drugs, that was my life until I finally got the strength to reach for help, and I was able to get away from those people. I know now that I have a long road to recovery, but I feel like I am a different person because I no longer have to be naked in front of several people at a time.

I have gotten help, and I do have PTSD and major depression, but I am determined to get better, and hopefully one day help children that are being abused, so they won’t have to hurt the way that I did.

To this day, I sometimes wonder why my suicide attempts didn’t go the way I planned, because I still have days that I don’t want to get up or feel like eating. I just get to feeling so worthless, so I treat myself like crap. But I am on my way, and that’s all that matters. I look forward to the day when I can proudly say, “I am a survivor.”


"Thank you for sharing her story. Please let her know how sorry we are for everything she's been through, and that we are here for her if she ever needs to talk. I personally know what it's like to have been suicidal and to have had every attempt fail. But there are too many reasons to live. Maybe that's why the attempts fail - because there's still so much to do - so much life left to live. :)"

-Kylie (Founder)

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