Monday, November 7, 2011

Movie Recommendation #1 - Forrest Gump: Incest & Suicide

From the R.I.S.E. Facebook:

“Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far away from here.” – Young Jenny

- Young Jenny is abused by her father, and one day she tries to escape…

“Mama always said God is mysterious. He didn't turn Jenny into a bird that day. But instead - he had the police say Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more.” – Forrest

- In Jenny’s case, she was rescued from her father. Although it was too late, better late than never.

“Do you think I could fly off this bridge, Forrest?” – Jenny

- Years later, the abuse Jenny experienced as a child has taken over, and she contemplates suicide…

* Many victims of rape and incest turn to thoughts of suicide for comfort. They think that if they could just end their life, their problems would go away. But it isn’t true. No one truly knows what happens when we die, but in our gut, we all know suicide isn’t the answer. It is not a way out, and in fact may cause more problems than it solves. If you are contemplating suicide, talk to someone. Chances are, you aren’t as alone as you think. ;] -Kylie [Founder/President]

“Why are you so good to me?” – Jenny [to Forrest]

* When people who have been victims in the past, especially of incest [or child abuse of any kind], many have a tendency to subconsciously search for a mate who will treat them like dirt, because they were raised to feel like they didn’t deserve anything better. The shame and guilt [which was never theirs to own but which they own anyway] becomes so big in their life that part of them actually wants the abuse to continue. Many end up in abusive relationships because of this, and so end up right back where they started. If you grew up in an abusive household, remember that it was not your fault, and you deserve better. Find someone like Forrest Gump – someone who will be good to you, despite what you grew up with. Having supportive people around us helps with the healing. -Kylie [Founder/President]

”Sometimes, I guess there just aren't enough rocks.” – Forrest

- Jenny finally goes back to the house where she grew up and experienced so much abuse. This scene is very powerful, especially for those who can identify with her.

“My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on.” – Forrest

* This is so true. RISE is about a lot of things, but I like to think that the main thing we are about is healing. In order to heal, we do have to acknowledge what happened, and face it head on, but then we need to begin the process of putting what happened behind us so that we can move on and not give it power over our lives and our futures. It’s hard, but with a lot of work and the support of each other, healing is possible. And that is the message I hope RISE sends out more than anything – that there is hope for healing =] -Kylie [Founder/President]

Have you seen this movie? If so, what effect did it have on you? Please comment and let us know! ♥

“My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on.” – Forrest

My thoughts on this quote:

"R.I.S.E. Above"

The main goal/motto of R.I.S.E. Is to help people "R.I.S.E. Above" all troubles and obstacles. That quote is very right on with Rising Above...

-Eric [Vice President]

Check out more about R.I.S.E. at any of the following:

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